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Under a brilliant sun, hundreds of police officers and some of New York’s most prominent politicians - Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Chuck Schumer, all Democrats - marched cheerfully alongside participants, some of the latter in the scantiest of outfits. On foot, astride motorcycles or riding on flatbed trucks, participants slowly covered the 2-mile route from Midtown Manhattan to Greenwich Village, where the movement for homosexual rights was born after the so-called Stonewall riots of 1969. NEW YORK - Activists who believe that New York City's massive gay pride parade has become too corporate are planning an alternative 'Queer Liberation March' on the same day. Tens of thousands of marchers paraded through New York streets Sunday in a huge Gay Pride parade, with many proudly carrying rainbow flags or waving virulently anti-Trump signs. Pride Parade in New York on June 25, 2017.
A marcher carrying an umbrella and dressed as a rainbow gestures for the camera during the N.Y.C.